Patient Participation Group


Our Patient Participation Group (PPG) meets to provide a forum for discussion about the practice.

About the Patient Participation Group

The role of the PPG
We are a self-selected group of patients who responded to an invitation to create a PPG for this surgery in 2021. The elected Committee meet four times a year with representatives of the Practice, including the Practice Manager and a Senior P Partner. Other patients can join the wider PPG, to receive updates, to volunteer for specific activities, to participate in surveys, or just to stay informed.

Meet the current members of our PPG

The purpose of the group is to:

  • Champion engagement between the Practice, patients and carers, acting as an advisory body and representing patients’ views
  • Ensure a patient-friendly and inclusive service is provided online and in person
  • Support health promotion and health education
  • Coordinate our Gardening for Health allotment at Clay Farm

The group is not a channel for complaints or individual issues, for which there are formal feedback and complaints procedures.

We would like to expand our work and we have some ideas for future activities when we have sufficient capacity. We would love to be able to:

develop a volunteer driver scheme for doctor and hospital appointments
create a Buddy scheme to support people to access groups and social activities
visit local groups to get their views and inputs to improve patient experience
We would love to have more patients and carers join the group, to enable us to achieve our ambitions. If you are interested, please contact our Chair to discuss what is involved, using the Sign Up form.

We would like to keep you informed about what we do and consult you occasionally, to ensure we have as wide a range of views informing our work as possible. If you would like be on our mailing list as a general PPG member, please do sign up.

Further information about the PPG